Project LOW CARBON FEED was present in several events and journeys to diffuse its containt and the numerous opportunities it offers.
Experts from Finance and Accounting Department in Jaume I University (Castelló) had a meeting with partners from La Unió and Fundación Lowcarboneconomy to choose a metho...
Few partners from project Low Carbon Feed travelled until Brussels between 22th and 24th May to assist to brussels Green Week "Green cities for a Greener Future", organized by European Comission.
Among 2o18, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), as a partner of project LIFE Low Carbon Feed (LCFEED), has done different diffusion activities in massive media and specialiced scientist journals.
On 6th July 2018 had place in Fuenterrobles (Utiel-Requena, Valencia), related to a conference cycle for young agricultures about good agricultural management practices and entrepreneurship in agriculture sector, an explanation about project Low Carbon Feed.
On 7th May Director José Segarra, and Juan Jorro and Isabel Giménez from Fundación Low Carbon Economy, gave in Cheste (Valencia) a training called "Valorización de residuos agrícolas de cítricos" (Valorization of citric waste).
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