

1.- Recovery of 69,43 tons of citrus waste and 18,73 tons of rice straw for its conversion into feed 

2.- Obtainment of a complete compound feed pellet for ruminants (LCFEED) based on citrus and rice wastes with an evaluated price of less than 250 €/Tn 

3.- Obtainment of a complementary feed for ruminants based on citrus leaves (LCCITRUS) with an evaluated starting price of less than 120 /Tn 

4.- Three Sustainability Plans (Business, Environmental and Social Plans) with profitability greater than 20% for the products: LCCITRUS y LCFEED. In addition, two Business Plans for the collection of pruning and its processing in LCCITRUS PODAS


Nutrition and environment

5.- Reduction of between 8% and 22% of GHG emissions in the digestion process of the goats through the use of novel foods: LCCITRUS and LCFEED (See simulation)

6.- Publication of nutritional characteristics in Nutrinews magazine

7.- Reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions by 161 equivalent tons of CO2



8.- Testing in situ and positive validation of both products (LCCITRUS and LCFEED) in several goat farms

9.- Four agreements and/or letters of interest from Valencian citrus cooperatives to supply citrus pruning to a processing company

10.- A contract to manufacture the LCCITRUS product between the Onda citrus cooperative and the company Agroplus S.L.

11.- Trademark registration



12.- Proposal for the Modification of the Rural Development Plan (RDP) on Agro-environmental aid in the Valencian Community

13.- Local Plan of the Citrus Waste Management in the municipality of La Vall d’Uixó

14.- Local Plan of the Rice Straw Waste Management in the municipality of Valencia



15.- Agreements and signature of letters of interest by different actors in the process at European level (Spain, Italy, France and Greece)

16.- Creation of new business lines linked to the commercialization of both products

17.- Design and drafting of two new European projects that ensure the continuity and sustainability of the market created during the project



18.- Impact of communication actions around 12 million listeners, viewers and readers.

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