From 15 to 19 October, different visits were organized within the framework of Replicability and Transferability of the LCFeed project.
Between 27th and 31th May had place the 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EU BC&E) in Lisbon Congress Center (Lisbon, Portugal). Read more
Between last 7 to 9 of May, took place at the Complex de la Petxina (València, Spain) the international congress Read more
Last 11th and 12th of April had place in Palacio de Congresos "La Llotja" of Lleida (Catalonia), the international congress about animal nutrition NutriForum.
Last 21th November, in Auditorio Ramón y Cajal from Medicine Faculty in UCM, had place the Working Days FEDNA-ANEMBE.
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