
International Conference (ICRANRD) in Berlin
22 of May of 2019

The partners of the LIFE Low Carbon Feed project attended the conference held on May 21 and 22 in Berlin

Internacional Research is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse academic events to present within the conference program.

ICRANRD is the main disciplinary forum for the presentation of  new advances and research results in the fields of rumiant animal and recent developments. The conference brings together leading academic scientists, researchers, and scholars in the field of interest from around the world.

The Universitat politècnica from Valencia prepared and presented a paper with the title “Orange Leaves and Rice Straw on Methane Emission and Milk production in Murciano-Granadina Dairy Goat Diet”. This work refers to the LIFE Low Carbon Feed project showing the previous results regarding the methane emissions obtained in the lactation phase using the diet based on the reuse of orange leaf and rice straw compared to a control diet.

On the same day, carlos Fernández from the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia participated as a moderator of a presentation session.

Different attendees at the congress affected their interest in the LIFE Low Carbon Feed project, as well as the results they were obtaining and provided by the same project partners, Manuel (Uniproca), Eva (Area Europa) and Juan (Fundación Low Carbon Economy). It was considered a very interesting contact between Eva Merloni and Anna Maria Picco, professor at the University of Pavia. Her research lines include the development of projects with the Ente Nazionale Risi, whose objective is the reuse of rice straw in Italy.





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