
European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
07 of June of 2019

Between 27th and 31th May had place the 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EU BC&E) in Lisbon Congress Center (Lisbon, Portugal).

To it, assisted as representants of project LIFE Low Carbon Feed the biololgist Eva Meroni and Joanma Mesado y José Castro, for its spread, and for the search of new partners and possibilities of replication.

Some of the organisms they meet with were the projects Tosynfuel, Facce Surplur Era-Net, Biomasa-Ap; the companies Anaero Technology, Gemco Energy, SQ Consulting and the education centers Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y Universidad de Sevilla.

Tosynfuel is a project that tries to demonstrate the viability in the valorization of  biomass residues as synthetic fuels and more renowable hydrogen.


Anaero Technology is a company specializated in technologies for the fermentation control and biomass digestion.


Facce Surplur Era-Net is an interdisciplinary programme for the improvement of the collaboration in the research on the biomass production and transformation:


Biomasa-Ap is a cooperation project for the optimization of the use of agro-forestry biomass with high energetic and economical potential in north-west Spain and north Portugal. It could be interesting for the project as a mesure of cost reduction for the agriculture waste, because it is the main cost in the feed-making. 


Gemco Energy is a company specialized in pellet-making machinery.


LOBA is an important comunication agency specialized in project management, that allowed the knowledge of european project BIOBRIDGES, for the improvement in the comercialization of biological products through a tough cooperation between brands, industries and consumers representants. 


Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain) allowed the consideration of the wood sub-product from the pruning. 

SQ Consulting is a consulting enterprise specialized in legal policies, which assessed the spread of conclusions in national and european level.


Project LIFE Libernitrate uses controlled-burnt rice straw to reduze the concentration of nitrates in the integral water cycle.


The Universidad de Sevilla‘s Engineery Superior Technical School was interested in the replication of projecto LCFEED.

Besides, the representants assisted to the conferences Resource efficient agriculture ; Biomass Croping on the Marginal Land; Sustainability and socio-economic impacts , y Sustainable assessment in bioeconomy.

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