
Nutriforum 2019
10 of May of 2019

Last 11th and 12th of April had place in Palacio de Congresos “La Llotja” of Lleida (Catalonia), the international congress about animal nutrition NutriForum.


To the event, as representatives of the LIFE Low Carbon Feed (LCFEED) project, went the professor  Carlos Fernández, from Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), and the veterinarian Manuel Romero, from co-op Unión de Productores de Caprino (UNIPROCA).


The subjects adressed were additives regulation. animal health, feed presentations, strategies to optimize the productive and reproductive performances, the quality of meat products, the improvement of digestibility and animal welfare.



Animal nutrition is one of the main aspects in the quality and prize of the final product, and in the performance and sustainability of the timing of the process.

Carlos Fernández gave a conference in which he presented the project LIFE Low Carbon Feed and participated with Manuel Romero in a round table after the workshop attended by Diego Martínez “Sustainable productivity, effective and efficient in ruminants. What so we mean?”


All of it helped in the spreading of the LIFE Low Carbon Feed (LCFEED) project among specialized economical sectors and to different ruminant-related companies to show interest in the project.

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