On 18th Septiembre on radio programme Al Ras, from À Punt Media, had place different interviews related to the rice straw problem in La Albufera.
These interviews were made by the the journalist Jessica Crespo. As spefial invited assisted Fran Quesada, secretary of Environment in Generalitat Valenciana; Lucía Moreno, biologist and representant of Red de Agroecología en Acción; Miguel Minguet, secretary of Fundación Agricultura y Medio Ambiente de la Comunidad Valenciana (FUVAMA) and Salvador Calvet, professor at Animal Science Department in Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV).
Among several themes, Salvador Calvet talked about pioneer project LIFE Low Carbon Feed, as a possible alternative to burnings.
You can have acces to complete interview here (minute 42 related to project LIFE LCF).